Lower Temperature, Clean The Air And Support Biodiversity

THE PROBLEM: Climate change, air pollution, loss of biodiversity

Temperatures are rising worldwide. Air is polluted. Biodiversity is dwindling at a record speed.
To counteract climate change, we need to replace fossil fuel energy with renewable, cleaner ones. We desperately need carbon removal to lower greenhouse gas levels in the atmosphere. Carbon capture and disposal are top priorities. There are several carbon capture technologies available as we speak. Some are more controversial than others. None performs at the capacity or speed needed.

Lower Temperature, Clean The Air And Support Biodiversity
But there are carbon emission measures and carbon capture solutions that don’t involve fossil fuels to produce and operate. They are well-known, effective, and eco-friendly.

THE SOLUTION: Don’t buy products that require deforestation and plant native trees, shrubs, and plants

To prevent, delay, and stop deforestation we have to learn to significantly reduce and eventually eliminate our addiction to meat.

The Earth’s population continues growing. The resources to support the growing population are limited. Feeding more and more people meat causes more and more environmental destruction, decimates forests, produces more and more carbon emissions, and causes loss of wildlife habitat, and biodiversity.

To support carbon capture, clean the air, and support local wildlife (birds and insects), we need to get involved in planting and growing local trees, shrubs, and plants.

IMMEDIATE CHANGES: Steps you can – and should! – take to lower temperature, clean the air, and support biodiversity. Reduce your meat consumption by half. Plant and grow native trees, shrubs, and plants.

Lower Temperature, Clean The Air And Support Biodiversity

Having fewer or no children addresses the issue of population growth. (Adoption is a wise option.)

Lower Temperature, Clean The Air And Support Biodiversity

Eating less meat and eventually eliminating meat from your diet altogether is the way to dramatically reduce deforestation.

Planting native trees, shrubs, and plants does not replace old-growth forests. A sapling doesn’t have the impact or capacity of a mature tree. Yet, it still makes a difference. Trees, shrubs, and plants (as well as ocean flora) absorb carbon emissions, clean the air, and support local wildlife.

Lower Temperature, Clean The Air And Support Biodiversity

“The true meaning of life is to plant trees, under whose shade you do not expect to sit.” Nelson Henderson

If you own land, forget the “manicured” lawn! Let the grass grow and the weeds prosper. The natural mix restores the soil and supports bees.

Plant and grow native trees, shrubs, and plants. (A tree outside of your window will help keep your home cooler in summer.) Plant edibles like vegetables and fruits. Don’t use synthetic fertilizers or pesticides. They’re damaging the environment and your health.

Don’t own land? No problem! Contact your local authorities and get permission for creating a Miyawaki mini-forest on public property. (Miyawaki forest is basically a mini-island of native greens in an urban area.) Research the Miyawaki method, and enlist a few friends and neighbors. Once you get a little plot, start planting! Keep an eye on your project. Make sure it prospers. Take pride in it!

Got a balcony or a patio? Plant something. Any living plant makes a difference. All of them absorb carbon emissions; cleanse the air; muffle sound and support birds and insects.

Lower Temperature, Clean The Air And Support Biodiversity

Got a small apartment? Give the Miyawaki mini-forest a try and for yourself put a lot of plants in your apartment. Indoor plants may not address the larger environmental issues but they will protect you from indoor pollution.
If you’ve watched on TV how quickly apartments catch fire and burn, you know that the reason for it is synthetic materials in virtually everything indoors. These synthetics are toxic to live with. Indoor plants such as Spider Plants and Areca Palms are easy to care for, non-toxic to pets, and help remove most toxins from the air you breathe.

Observing the ever-rising temperatures and more frequent natural disasters is passive.

“The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing.” Edmund Burke

Be proactive about climate change! Every bit helps.

Lower Temperature, Clean The Air And Support Biodiversity

“Until you dig a hole, you plant a tree, you water it and make it survive, you haven’t done a thing. You are just talking.” Wangari Maathai

I couldn’t have said it better myself.

#BeProactiveAboutClimateChange #EvolvingShow #EvolvingShowPodcast



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Sturm Enrich

Sturm Enrich

Hi, I’m the creator of the Evolving Show podcast (and Alternative Human Community), an author, a self-empowerment expert, a journalist by profession, and a survivor by experience. I’m passionate about ethics, ecology, healthy living, sustainability, conservation, science and technology. Evolving Show reflects my life philosophy.

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